MedSpa Marketing

3 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your MedSpa

Posted on:
February 4, 2020


Keeping a medical spa business running is not an easy job. The MedSpa industry is fast growing and that means an increase in competition too. You always have to keep up with the trends in order to stay above the competition. It’s easy to get drowned out and lose visibility- and that will negatively affect your business. Having a good marketing strategy can help you increase the traffic to your website and in the long run, more sales for the MedSpa. Here are three tips that will help you develop a good MedSpa marketing strategy and increase traffic to your website:


Blogging is a great way to attract traffic to your website. Creating quality content gives your business the credibility it needs to attract traffic. Digital content marketing for luxury brands such as MedSpas is a great way to connect with potential patients and inform them about the services offered by your business.

Consider Guest Blogging:

You can request industry leaders, local businesses and respectable bloggers to do guest posts on your website. They are likely to share the posts among their networks and therefore increase your traffic.

It is also an opportunity to link their websites back to yours.

You can also look for opportunities to do guest posts on other reputable blogs as it establishes you as a thought-leader and it is likely to spark an interest in your own website. It also improves the credibility of your business.

Relevance and authority have been proven to increase website traffic.


Paid online advertising can help you improve on the traffic to your MedSpa website. There are various ways to do paid ads including:

Pay-per-click (PPC): Pay-Per-Click (PPC), appear on the top of search results based on your keywords. It is much easier to target your audience by demographics such as location. Some of the most common avenues for PPC include Google Adwords, Bing and Yahoo!

Social media ads: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn offer opportunities for paid advertising. They help in increasing the visibility of your social media profiles and website.

Retargeting ads: Retargeting is a way of placing ads so that people who were on your website can see it again when they are on other sites or platforms. It is a way of reminding them of your website and giving them the option of going back to it with a single click. It helps keep your brand in the front and leads to increased traffic.

Native Ads: Native Ads are placed on other websites to provide informational content about your website. It can be an infographic, article or video that links back to your website.

When doing paid ads, you need to consider the ad design, content, positioning and targeting, keyword selection and campaign management. The benefit of paid advertising is that the results can be measured and you can tweak them whenever necessary.


The importance of having quality content on your website can never be understated.

Visitors want content that they can relate to and easily digest. It may be tempting to use industry language to sound knowledgeable, but it will drive away traffic if they can’t understand what you are talking about.

It is also important to tailor the content to your audiences’ needs.

Develop personas that fit into your audiences. It may take a lot of resources to conduct research on your target audience’s personas, but it will be worth it. Understanding your audiences’ demographics and behaviors will help you tailor your MedSpa website content to their needs and attract more traffic.

Long-form content is known to rank better on search results but tends to be boring to the visitor. You can spice things up by providing visual content on your website too.

Videos, photos and infographics are attractive and engaging.

They will boost your website visibility and traffic. You can provide a lot of content in very little time through videos. You can offer DIY skincare routines on video or live stream a MedSpa procedure. People are more likely to visit your website to learn more. You can also share before and after photos, but remember that it is important to seek the consent of the clients you’ll use their photos.


There are many factors to creating and maintaining successful digital marketing campaigns for your medical spa. By launching well-rounded marketing strategies, you can attract more clients to your MedSpa and grow your business immensely.

Call or message us today for a free marketing audit!

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